Friday, August 24, 2012

Raw Broccoli

If it's cool for a vegetable to smell rotten when it is actually perfectly fresh, we should just stop right now and call broccoli the champion of the universe. Oh wait, it's not cool to eat something that smells like a massive turd? My mistake.

Seriously. Who enjoys raw broccoli? The smell impaired, no doubt. The texture of raw broccoli also leaves something to be desired, and the cabbage-ish taste really just doesn't cut it. I have never understood the allure of eating cold, tough, waxy veggie trees. Now, expertly steamed broccoli? THAT is divine. I'll eat that crap by the boatload. The enjoyability of broccoli is inversely proportionate to it's rawness, with an asymptote carefully placed at "cooked to perfection."

Raw broccoli must go.