Sunday, June 24, 2012

PT Cruisers

PT Cruisers look like the mutant spawn of a VW Beetle bred with a hearse.

This post could end there, could it not?

When PT Cruisers made their debut in 2000, I thought the world had gone absolutely insane. Who in their RIGHT MIND would drop 20 grand on that? Apparently, lots of folks. I have hated every PT Cruiser I have ever laid my troubled eyes upon, but ESPECIALLY the dark purple (not maroon... purple) model that zipped around my neighborhood in the Cruiser's hey day.

Thankfully, the production of the PT Cruiser stopped in 2010. Unfortunately, I'm sure there will be ugly little used PTs cruising around for many more years to come. I will never truly experience happiness until I know the last PT Cruiser in the world  has been destroyed.

PT Cruisers must go.